Resources for Farmers
Explore our resource library of verified organizations.
Have you ever wondered what makes a humane farm different from other farms?
Wondering if your farm and practices meet those standards? Check out our detailed Humane Farming Standards page to learn just what it takes to meet those standards!
Have a suggestion that you don’t see listed? Please share it with us!
FACT’s Get Your Farm Funded Guide
Farm Aid’s Farmer Resource Guides: Resources for farm financing, legal assistance, and beginning farmers.
Funds for Farmers: Funding resource list maintained by Marbleseed.
Understanding Federal Farm Programs: A 2021 guide from FACT about four of the USDA’s main programs for livestock farmers.
Grants and Loans for Farmers: Provided by the USDA, and provides general information federal funding opportunities.
Growing Opportunity – A Guide to USDA Sustainable Farming Programs: A 2017 guide that describes the various government programs available to sustainable farmers. It includes grant, loan, conservation, and cost-share opportunities.
Center for Rural Affairs: Fact sheets in English and Spanish about cost-share and other conservation programs offered by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).
Future Harvest Pick Your Own Consultant: Launched in 2021 and reopening in 2024, this program provides $1,000 grants for farmers to work with the consultant of their choice. The goal of this program is to provide farmers based in rural Maryland with the opportunity to strengthen their business and address challenges with the support of in-depth, free-for-the-farmer consultations with experts.
Black Farmer Fund: Grants and loans for Black farmers and food business owners in NY and surrounding states.
Foodshed Capital: Low interest loans to help farmers with capital and land payments, with a focus on BIPOC farmers.
Frontera Farmer Foundation: Grants to farms serving the Chicago-metro area.
Organic Farming Research Foundation Grants: Grants to conduct research projects on organic farms.
RAFI-USA Grant Opportunities: Cost-share grants for farmers and groups in North Carolina.
The Carrot Project: Low interest loan and financing opportunities in New England.
The FruitGuys Community Fund: Grants for small farms and agricultural nonprofits for sustainability projects.
Women, Livestock and the Land: Hands-on educational opportunity for women farmers. Training topics include: Goal Setting, Soil Health & Regenerative Grazing, Animal Handling & Health, Equipment & Tools, Direct marketing
Quiviria Coalition’s New Agrarian Program: The New Agrarian Program (NAP) partners with skilled ranchers and farmers to offer annual apprenticeships in regenerative agriculture. Our apprentices learn from expert
practitioners in full-immersion professional settings.
National Young Farmers Coalition: Regional guide for training and capacity-building opportunities.
Educational and Training Opportunities from the National Center for Appropriate Technology: Type “training”
into the search bar for opportunities in your area.
Marketing Toolkit for Pasture-Based Farmers that includes a series of FACT sheets & Social Media Posts to support your consumer education efforts!
Everyone knows that a well-informed consumer is a committed consumer. Use these downloadables to share in person, as a QR code, on Social Media or however best meets your needs. One clever farmer prints and laminates so they can share at farmers market without the added waste of printables. Genius!
Quivira Coalition: “The Quivira Coalition builds soil, biodiversity, and resilience on western working landscapes. We foster ecological, economic, and social health through education, innovation, and collaboration.”
Practical Farmers of Iowa, Resources for Beginning Farmers: “Equipping farmers to build resilient farms and communities.”
Savanna Institute: “Cultivating climate resilience in Midwest agriculture”
Marbleseed: “Marbleseed educates, inspires, and empowers farmers to thrive in a sustainable, organic system of agriculture.”
Cornell Small Farms Program: “We support farmers at all phases of small farm business development.”
APPPA (American Pastured Poultry Producers Association) is a non-profit trade organization that encourages the production, processing, marketing, and purchasing of poultry raised on pasture.
Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network: “NMPAN is a university Extension-based community of practice of people and organizations helping small meat processors thrive by growing our shared wealth of information and innovation. We offer tools and technical assistance for small processors and the farmers, marketers, and meat buyers who depend on them.”
Farming with Fiber (optics): Revolutionizing Agricultural Technology in Rural Areas: Learn more about digital technology in farming and the programs available for those of you with little or no access to high speed internet.